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辣酒煮翡翠螺 (淘大廚藝坊)

Sea Whelk in Chili Wine


材枓: *四人份量
急凍翡翠螺 10隻 500克,乾葱碎 2粒,蒜茸 2粒,指天椒粒 3隻,日本青酒 200ml,淘大桂林辣椒醬 2茶匙,淘大豆瓣醬,清水 200ml

淘大特級蠔油 1茶匙,淘大翕仔頭遍生抽 1/2茶匙,糖 1/2茶匙

1. 先將翡翠螺汆水,撈出洗淨,瀝水備用。
2. 熱鑊下油1湯匙,慢火爆香乾葱,蒜茸,豆瓣醬,桂林辣椒醬,隨下翡翠螺兜炒,加指天椒炒勻,下青酒轉大火煮滾。
3. 滾透加入清水及調味料,蓋上鑊蓋,用慢火煮五分鐘,起蓋埋芡收汁即成。

Sea Whelk in Chili Wine

Ingredients: *four servings
Frozen sea whelk 10 pcs (500g), 2 dried crushed spring onion, 2 crushed garlic cloves , 3 zhitian chili, Japanese sake 200 ml, Amoy Guilin Chili Sauce, Amoy Toban Sauce, Water 200 ml

Amoy Premium Oyster Sauce 1tsp, Amoy Premium Light Soy Sauce 1tsp, Sugar 1/2 tsp

1. Blanch the sea whelk, drain and wash well, set aside.
2. Heat 1 tsp of oil, pan fry the dried crushed spring onion, crushed garlic, toban sauce and Guilin chili sauce on low heat. Stir well with sea whelk and zhitian chili, add the Japanese sake, turn up the heat and bring to a boil.
3. Add in water and seasoning, cover with lid and stew for a further 5 mins on low heat. Remove the lid and add potato starch to thick the sauce. Dish up and serve.
