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腩汁籮白魚腩煲 (淘大廚藝坊)

Fish bellies and carrots casserole with Chu Hou Marinade


材料: *四人份量


1. 魚腩洗淨,抺乾水,切件,加醃料拌勻,煎至金黃備用。
2. 蘿蔔去皮,切開邊,再切1cm厚片。
3. 燒熱油1湯匙,爆香薑片及蘿蔔,下柱侯腩汁炒勻,加入清水煮滾。
4. 轉中小火煮6分鐘後,放入魚腩輕手兜勻,轉倒入瓦煲,再煮滾,下紅椒絲及蔥絲於面上,即可上桌。

Fish bellies and carrots casserole with Chu Hou Marinade

Ingredients:*four servings
Grass carp belly 8 tael, Carrot 340g (12 oz), 1 red bell pepper (shredded), Ginger 3 slices, 1 stalk spring onion (shredded), Amoy Chu Hou Marinade 2 tbsp, Water 1/2 cup

Amoy Chu Hou Marinade 2 tsp, Corn starch 1 tbsp

1. Wash grass carp bellies and wipe dry. Cut into pieces. Mix with marinade. Pan fry until gold brown and set aside.
2. Peel carrot. Cut into half along the length. And then cut into 1cm width pieces.
3. Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil, saute ginger slices and carrots. Add Amoy Chu Hou Sauce. Stir well. Add water and bring to a boil.
4. Turn to medium-low heat and cook for a further 6 mins. Add grass carp bellies and gently stir fry. Transfer to casserole ad re-boil. Sprinkle red bell pepper shreds and spring onion shreds on top and serve.
