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黑椒香矛粉絲蟹煲 (淘大廚藝坊)

Crab and Vermicelli Hotpot with Black Pepper and Lemongrass


材料: *四人份量
肉蟹480克, 粉絲1小包(50克), 蒜頭2粒(切片), 蔥2棵(切段), 薑2片, 香茅1支(切段), 芫茜1條

淘大黑椒醬1茶匙, 淘大蒸魚豉油1/2茶匙, 水2/3杯

淘大黑椒醬1 1/2茶匙, 淘大蒸魚豉油2茶匙, 淘大金標老抽1/2茶匙, 糖1/4茶匙, 水3/4杯

芡汁: 水1湯匙, 粟粉1/2茶匙

1. 粉絲浸軟, 瀝乾水分, 用瓦煲煮滾粉絲調味料, 加入粉絲煮至餘1/2水分待用。
2. 蟹冼淨斬件。
3. 先爆香薑, 蔥白, 蒜及香茅, 盛起, 下蟹件略煎香, 再放入薑, 蔥白, 蒜及香茅及調味料煮滾, 轉中火煮約2分鐘至蟹熟, 埋芡及加蔥段炒勻。
4. 放入粉絲上, 略煮片刻, 加上芫茜,即成。
#1杯 = 250毫升

Crab and Vermicelli Hotpot with Black Pepper and Lemongrass

Ingredients : *four servings
Crab 480g, Vermicelli 1 pack (50g), Garlic (sliced) 2 pcs , Spring onion (sectioned) 2 stalks, Sliced garlic 2 pcs, Parsley 1 stalk (sectioned), Sliced ginger (shredded) 2 pcs, Lemongrass (sectioned) 1 stalk, parsley 1 stalk

Seasoning for vermicelli :
Amoy Black Pepper Sauce 1 tsp, Amoy Seafood Soy Sauce 1/2 tsp, Water 2/3 cup

Amoy Black Pepper Sauce 1 1/2 tsp, Amoy Seafood Soy Sauce 2 tsp, Amoy Gold Label Dark Soy Sauce 1/2 tsp, Sugar 1/4 tsp, Water 3/4 cup

Water 1 tbsp, Corn Starch 1/2 tsp

1. Soak the vermicelli and drain. Mix the vermicelli with seasoning in clay pot and cook until 1/2 of sauce left.
2. Rinse and cut the crab into pieces.
3. Heat the oil, stir-fry ginger, garlic, lemongrass and seasoning. Switch to medium heat, cook the crab for 2 minutes. Stir in thickening and spring onion
4. Add in vermicelli and cook for a while. Serve with parsley.
#1 cup = 250ml
