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瑞士汁銀影焗生蠔 (淘大廚藝坊)

Baked Oysters in All Purpose Marinade


材料: *四人份量
新鮮生蠔 8只 (480克),香芧 2支,新鮮青胡椒 10粒,紅尖椒角 1隻,洋蔥絲 半隻,蒜茸 2粒,薑片 6片,生粉 適量,鍚紙 一張

鹽 少許,胡椒粉 少許,紹酒 少許,生粉 1/4 茶匙

淘大翕仔頭遍生抽 1茶匙,淘大瑞士汁 1湯匙,淘大金標老抽 適量,清水 1 1/2湯匙,淘大純麻油 適量

1. 生蠔加適量生粉、幼鹽拌勻、稍沖水洗淨,吸乾水拌勻醃料備用。
2. 醃好之生蠔稍汆水、撈起吸乾水,並拍上適量生粉下油鑊走油至七成熟,備用。
3. 燒熱油1湯匙爆香洋蔥、薑片、蒜茸、香茅、紅椒角,灒酒加入調味料及生蠔兜勻,然後上錫紙中包好,加200°C焗爐焗約七分鐘即可。

Baked Oysters in All Purpose Marinade

Ingredients: *Four servings
Fresh oysters 8 pcs (480g), lemon grass 2 stalks, fresh green peppercorns 10 pcs, red chill 1 pc, 1/2 shredded onion, crushed garlic 2 cloves, ginger 6 slices, corn flour to season, Aluminum foil 1 pc

Salt, white pepper and shaoxing wine to season, corn starch 1/4 tsp

Amoy Premium Light Soy Sauce 1tsp, Amoy All Purpose Marinade 1tbsp, Amoy Gold Label Dark Soy Sauce to season, Water 1.5 tbsp, Amoy Pure Sesame Oil to season

1. Add the corn flour to oysters, mix well with salt. Rinse and wipe dry, place in marinade and set aside.
2. Blanch the marinated oysters, drain and wipe dry. Coat with corn flour and deep-fry until 70% done, drain off the oil and set a side.
3. Heat 1 tsp of oil, pan-fry shredded onion, ginger slices, lemon grass and red chill. Sprinkle with shaoxing wine and add in seasonings, stir well with the oysters and set on the foil. Wrap well and bake at 200°C for 7 mins and serve.
